Friday, April 6, 2012

March Training Wrap-up

It seems like I finally got into a good training pattern.  My quantity and quality seem to be headed in the right direction.  Coming up next, I will be doing my second race of the year, the Big Rock Triathlon.  This is an Olympic distance race, not too far from home.  And of course, after that, Wildflower.  Anyway, here's the final tally:

Swimming: 27,500 yards (25,750 in February and 20,300 last March)
I'm still swimming 3-4 days per week, making sure I'm getting in at least 2,000 yards each workout.  I'm trying to make it to the pool a minimum of 4 times each week, but it's been tough with the schedule.  Also, I'm way overdue for an open water swim.  I think I'll try to get at least one done before my next race.

Cycling: 298.76 miles (179.83 miles in February and 263.6 last March)
More 'saddle time' in March. Does this count as cross-training?
I'm still mixing my bike time between road and mounting bike, so the mileage is a little low. With Wildflower not too far away, I'm trying to make sure all my rides are 2 hours or more, and I'm getting in plenty of hills.  I started using an ISM Saddle for the first time this month.  Seriously, why didn't I get one of these sooner?  Sometime soon, I need to get one for my mountain bike too.

Running: 52.6 miles (31.9 miles miles in February and 60.6 last March)
I added one day of running per week, and so far, so good.  I'm still easing up on the miles I run, and I didn't go above 6 miles in a single run.  By the end of April, I'll push that to 8 or 9, and hopefully head into Wildflower with enough fitness to push me through that tough run course.

Cross-Training: 3:50 (2:22 in February and 3:40 last March)
I did a couple P90X workouts for the first time this month.  Twice, I did the plyometrics video.  This should help my running and leg strength.  I'll try to fit this workout in whenever time permits.  The balance of this time  was spent on the elliptical at my running cadence, but also some time with the rowing machine.

Weight Training: 2:10 (2:08 in February and 1:30 last March)
This time is split 50/50 between legs and everything else. As usual, I'm focusing more time on leg exercises to help keep my runner's knee from coming back this year.

Weight: 155
I'm trying not to focus on weight, and focus more on fitness.  My challenge with weight isn't an issue of training, but more of a diet problem.  My discipline comes and goes, and I need work harder on making more, better food choices.

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